Read more about the article The Environmental Benefits of Maintaining a Healthy Lawn
Green energy concept with Planet Earth and electric plug on lush grass

The Environmental Benefits of Maintaining a Healthy Lawn

Although the benefits of having a healthy lawn may seem to be centered on the way it looks, there are also many environmental benefits. A healthy lawn is an environmentally friendly lawn, and keeping it healthy and sustainable is in both yours and the planet’s best interests!

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Read more about the article Keep off the Grass in Spring
Fresh green grass and sign " No walking on grass"

Keep off the Grass in Spring

With winter fading away and the longer, warmer days of spring coming up, it’s tempting to get out in the yard and enjoy the weather. However, heavy traffic on your grass can cause a lot of damage post-winter and is strongly discouraged until your grass builds up strength again – so keep off the grass!

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