We’re not used to doing lawn care in January.
Throughout this fall, our new blog has focused on offering our customers guidance through your lawn’s most difficult season, winter. What we haven’t covered is something we never thought we’d have to, is what to do in a warm winter.
In Southern Ontario, we don’t always get the worst of what Mother Nature throws Canada’s way, but we rarely have a December without snow, let alone one without negative temperatures. According to theweathernetwork.com, it was not until this past Monday that we saw a day with an actual average of as low as -1°C.
Not only that, but most winters we’re used to seeing more snow on the ground by this time.
As we explained in our last blog, “5 ways that winter can affect your lawn”, snow can act as a cover for your grass in extreme colds and can even provide some moisture at times. Air dropping into negative temperatures sees significant drops in the moisture it holds, and if your grass is exposed to it without snow on top, you’ll experience more winter desiccation.
If we go through a rough winter, there’s not much you can do. However, there is a lot you can do while the weather is still warm or even when the weather starts to warm up again.
Before the Cold
On Monday the temperatures reached as low as -13°C, but temperatures are still supposed to average above freezing for the next week.
When temperatures are well above 0°C (So there is no risk of any water freezing) it is important to keep up with any regular maintenance tasks as you normally would in the fall. These can include watering, mowing, fertilizing, over-seeding or weeding. Just like it would if the cold came a little earlier in the year, this will help preserve your lawn through the winter.
After the Cold
The number one thing you can do to improve your lawn’s health after a warm winter is call Hometurf. It can be difficult to have to deal with abnormal lawn problems caused by the fluctuations in temperature, but we have all the solutions.
At Hometurf we do not compromise when it comes to providing our customers with the best products available. We are always keeping up-to-date on the latest and best products in our industry. From our customized fertilizer blends to our 100% Certified Premium Grade A grass seed, we make sure that every product we use is of the highest quality. This coupled with commercial application equipment and well-trained staff is the perfect recipe for a lush, green lawn.
Don’t forget, because of the warm weather, there are still many services we offer to help your lawn last through the winter. Click here to inquire about what would be best for your lawn.