Achieving a healthy lawn is all about preparation.
The reality is that if you prepare your lawn properly in the fall, you will ensure that it bounces back quickly come the spring.
In past weeks, we’ve written about aeration, dethatching and other fall lawn tips, but one of the most important things you can do is fertilize.
Fertilizer is used to provide your lawn with extra nutrients in the form of different combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This is why you’ll see three numbers on fertilizer packaging. For example, “25-5-5” – the first number represents nitrogen levels, the second phosphorus levels, and the third potassium levels.
Each type serves a different purpose, but they are all meant to assist in the growth and health of your lawn. Heavy nitrogen fertilizer encourages blade growth, phosphorus targets root growth and potassium strengthens the health of the plant and strengthens its resistance to disease.
Fall is a very important time to use fertilizer because of the strength your lawn requires to make it through the long winter and to be ready to bounce back in the spring.
In early fall, we recommend a high-nitrogen fertilizer (first number being the highest) because it’s important to encourage blade growth after summer. The hotter months can be rough on your grass so it’s important to let it regain some of its length.
Now that we are getting closer to winter, root strength becomes more and more important. That’s why we recommend a high-phosphorus fertilizer (middle number being the highest). The roots are the part of the grass that will remain the strongest throughout the winter, and if you can encourage their growth, it will make a big difference come spring.
Hometurf can take care of all of your fertilization needs! Season-long fertilization is available in both our Complete and Deluxe programs, and if you sign up for either program before November 20th you’ll save 10%.
Click here or call 1-888-791-8873 to get in touch with us today.
Hometurf Lawn Care is a family owned and operated business with the mission of providing homeowners the best quality lawn care at the best possible price.