The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your Lawn

Spring cleaning isn’t just about taking care of your home, it’s also the perfect time to spruce up the yard. If you prepared well in the fall then the process shouldn’t be too troublesome, but either way – you can’t go wrong with this checklist:

      1. Assess the damage

Before you start anything else, the first step is to check the damage left by winter. This includes inspecting any dead spots or bare patches of grass caused by the snow. You may want to sprinkle these areas with some soil, grass seed and fertilizer. By doing this now, you can get the grass ready to grow in time for the summer.

      1. Get raking

Once you’ve taken care of any patchy spots on your lawn, you’ll probably need to get the rake out and clear up any leftover leaves. As hard as you raked in the autumn, there may still be some strays leftover in the spring. Added to that, it’s also likely there could be a variety of other wintry treats outstaying their welcome such as pine cones, tree branches and twigs.

      1. Check your tools

Thirdly, you’re going to want to check your tools. There’s nothing worse than getting out your garden tools ready for a productive day and finding yourself having to do maintenance work on them. It’s always good to get ahead and make sure your equipment is ready for whenever you are. Here are some tips for maintaining your garden equipment.

      1. Aerate your lawn

Aerating your lawn is essential for good grass growth as it allows air, water and nutrients to properly penetrate the grass roots. In order to do so, you may want to rent an aerator machine or choose a lawn care service provider if your lawn is on the large side. These machines pull up small holes of dirt from your lawn. There are also manual devices you can use, but be warned they are very labour-intensive. Aeration is particularly important to do during the spring following a harsh winter. However, as we have mentioned before, aerating your lawn is also handy to do during the fall.

      1. Get rid of those weeds

It’s always best to get ahead of things and the sooner you tackle the weeds that have slowly invaded your lawn, the better the results will be later in the year. To remove weeds, you have a few options: manual hand weeding, or using herbicides. Manually removing weeds can be both tiring and time-consuming so it may be best to hire a professional to spray your pesky invaders. Additionally, another way to crowd out invading weeds is to focus on developing a thick and healthy lawn as this inhibits weed growth. We all know they don’t go away overnight, so it’s always good to take measures to prevent stubborn weeds.

If you don’t have the time to do some spring cleaning yourself, give us a call at 1-888-791-8873. We’ll help get you the right program and make sure your lawn gets the spring clean it deserves! Learn more about our services by visiting our FAQ page and don’t forget to check out our other blog posts to help you on your way to a beautiful green lawn!

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