The Benefits of Signing up for a Hometurf Lawn Care Program

First impressions are important! You’re proud of your home and you should look forward to inviting guests over, but we all know that starting and maintaining a lush green lawn can be a challenge. It involves physical labour and not to mention all the time it consumes. Hiring a professional lawn care company, such as Hometurf, is a smart way to keep your lawn looking great — no matter how busy life gets. Here are some of the benefits to signing up for a Hometurf Lawn Care program: 


You wouldn’t trust just anyone with your home, right? It’s a common belief that a healthy lawn is easily achievable and professional care isn’t necessary. However, what many fail to realize is that lawn care requires more than just mowing. Proper lawn maintenance also includes aeration, dethatching, weed and pest control, and much more. The first benefit of Hometurf Lawn Care is the years of expert knowledge and trained technicians who effectively diagnose and solve any lawn issues you may have.

Property Value 

Your lawn is one of the first things potential buyers will notice when they show up to view your home. Preserving a healthy and lively landscape unquestionably boosts the value of your home. Plus, after seeing your luscious lawn, your neighbours might be inspired to improve the look of their lawn as well which will create a beautiful aesthetic appeal across the neighbourhood! 

Safety First 

When we talk about safety, this includes both your family and your lawns. Many powerful lawn care products are available to professionals before hem become available to the public. These products exceed the effectiveness and safety of over-the-counter products. They should be in the hands of professionals who know the proper way to use them.  

Invest in professional lawn care services with Hometurf Lawn Care today and call us at 1-888-791-8873. Once you book with our team, read through our blog on what to expect when you’re expecting Hometurf!  

For information about our services, visit our FAQ page and for the best lawn care tips and guides, read our other blog posts! 

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