Although the weather seems to flip-flop between warm and cold temperatures every other day, it’s definitely the season to get started on cool weather lawn care. As of late October, we’re looking at days with a high of only 10 degrees or so, which means you need to be preparing your lawn for the winter months ahead.
Follow these tips to stay on top of cool weather lawn care:
Reduce Your Mower Height When Cutting Your Lawn
Start gradually reducing your lawn mower blade a notch every time you mow your lawn in the next few weeks. This will help prepare your lawn for winter by reducing the risks of your lawn getting snow mold.
Fertilize Your Lawn
Fertilizing your lawn in the late fall is a great time to make up for the lost nutrients during the long, hot summer months. Once you fertilize, it will remain in your lawn’s soil and provide nourishment before your grass lies dormant for the next few months.
Get Seeding In Before Snowfall
Your lawn still has a few weeks left in which seeds will germinate, especially with the warmer weather we’re experiencing and adequate moisture for this time of year. Overseeding in the fall will allow for roots to settle in and will see better bounce back from your lawn in the spring.
Complete Any Final Weed Control
Due to the warmer weather so late in the season, weeds are likely to still be an issue for most homeowners. Most weeds will die off in the winter, but it’s best to get them under control if you can. Hometurf Lawn Care is happy to perform weed and pest control for your lawn – contact us here.
Cool weather lawn care is necessary to ensure your lawn bounces back more easily next spring. It’s better to tend your grass back to health than start from scratch due to serious winter damage!