Goodbye Snow, Hello Lawn Care

As winter comes to an end and the snow begins to melt, the tough winter shows its battle scars on your lawn. After this frigid winter, all our lawns could use a little TLC. Getting your grass back to a luscious state will not happen overnight, and there is no time like the present. The best time to start your spring lawn care is while the snow is melting, and the ground is thawing. Here are a few tips that all lawn owners should take into consideration this month!

Equipment Tuneup

Now is the perfect time to complete an inventory check on your lawn care equipment. Review any dull blades, clean up any tools and check if there is anything new you should be adding to your shed this year. A few examples of tools everyone should have for basic yard care are lawnmowers, trimmers, rakes, soil knives, and double hand hoes.

Lawn Diagnosis & Repairs

As your lawn is unveiled from its winter blanket, you may notice some issues that need addressing. Issues such as salt damage, snow mould, and water pooling are the first areas of concern. Some solutions for these pesky problems are gypsum to help with the salt damage, a gentle racking can help with grey mould, and releveling your yard if you are dealing with minor drainage problems. Any other significant issues are best left to a professional service. If you uncover a problem with your lawn and you’re not sure how to fix it, reach out your local Hometurf professionals at

The Ambassador Program 

In addition to these tips, the best thing you can do for your lawn is put the job in the hands of lawn care professionals. Our newly introduced Ambassador Program enhances our Complete Program with more emphasis on soil health and continuous seeding to deliver the lush, thick lawn of your dreams! The program also comes with four 1KG bags of our proprietary Hometurf seed blend, which are perfect for overseeding between visits or helping to repair any thin or bare patches. Click here for a full description and comparison of our programs.

To ensure your lawn has an amazing year, get in contact with Hometurf Lawn Care at 1-888-791-8873. For information about our services, visit our FAQ page  and for the best lawn care tips and guides, read our other blog posts!

Did you know?

Doing your part and taking proper care of your lawn is integral to help maintain our natural waterways and sewer systems! Hometurf thanks you for doing your part and we look forward to seeing many beautiful landscapes this summer.

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